2025 Annual Client Letter

Annual Client Letter 2025

2025 Annual Client Letter

Thank you for taking the time to read our Annual Client Letter.  We established the Firm in 2009 with the mission to provide unexpectedly great service from a law firm.  Through this experience, we have learned many lessons about how to deliver a high level of service, which fundamentally requires developing a compelling culture and a team that is highly responsive to clients.  More on this in April when we celebrate our 16th anniversary. 

We achieved several notable accomplishments in 2024, including:

  • Technology — We completely overhauled our technology infrastructure and upgraded all Apple computers to take advantage of Apple Intelligence (AI) and security features in the coming years. 

  • Staffing — We hired a new associate, Zach Tiritilli, a recent SMU law graduate, who predominantly works on our litigation (IP and commercial) and enforcement teams.  This addition strengthens our team and expands opportunities to serve you in a timely manner.

  • Invoicing Process — We modified our invoice format to remove the statement of account section.  Some clients in the last year double-paid invoices, which we believe was due to the inclusion of the statement of account section in each invoice.  We are hopeful the new invoice format lessens any client confusion about open balances and minimizes accounting corrections. 

  • Tiered Billing Model — As we mentioned in December, we standardized our rates to reward existing clients and enhance our service delivery.  We also focused our client list, which allows us to provide more attention to our great clients.   

  • Client Feedback Survey — Late in the year, we hired an outside firm to interview some of our clients and referral partners to give us feedback on what we are doing well and where we can improve.  We have begun implementing recommendations from that exercise.  Thank you to those who participated and served as a voice for all our clients.

  • Redesigned Office Space — Along with Engage Workspace for Lawyers, we completed a redesign of our office space.  I think you will find the lobby and conference rooms a much more welcoming and productive experience now. 

  • Trial Win — We are proud to have assisted a client with a significant jury trial win in federal court.  

On a personal and professional front, one of the best lessons I learned in 2024 is called the “Law of Polarity” from David Neagle’s Successful Mind Podcast.  The law holds that everything in the universe (physical or non-physical) has an opposite side to it.  For example, you can’t have a problem without simultaneously having a solution.  You can’t have a need or desire for something without also having that thing in your life.  That’s why focusing on the solution rather than the problem is key to getting what you want.  What you focus on expands, so be careful where you let your attention dwell.  You can listen to the podcast episode here.  I used this principle in the law firm last year to navigate some adversity and upshift our client service delivery level.  While I initially thought the podcast and these ideas were “out there,” my experience applying this principle yielded great results.

As we look to 2025, I’d like to share some of our annual goals and client initiatives you will see later this year:

  • Improved Client Journey — Last year, we developed an improved client journey experience for how clients interact with the Firm and how we provide exemplary service.  We will begin rolling out this new process for all clients by Q2.  I hope you find that it increases client satisfaction.  

  • Updated Website — We are hard at work to release a completely revised version of our website in the first half of the year.  The website will include a significant amount of client resources that are much easier to find and utilize.    

  • Hiring A Client Services Coordinator — Our biggest, boldest move for 2025 is hiring a rock-star administrative assistant to champion the client journey experience and help provide concierge-level service.  We will post this job opening later this year and appreciate you thinking of us if you know anyone who would be a good fit for this role. 

  • “Working with Klemchuk” eBook — As part of the focus on an improved Client Journey experience, we are developing an eBook (print and digital) that outlines how we work most effectively with clients, including an FAQ section and other key details.   

  • Firm Brochure — In addition to the eBook, we are developing a brochure for clients that explains all the various services we offer.  One of the big takeaways from the client survey is that we haven’t done a good job communicating the breadth of our services to clients. 

  • Improved Email Communications — We moved to Mailchimp in December to manage our firm newsletter called Ideate and email communications.  You will see more regular activity this year, particularly now that we have the ability to send emails tailored to our client base. 

  • Branded and Improved Spice — We are finally branding our annual spice blend this year.  We’ll include you in the “name the spice” contest! 

Below is our current “Proven Process” from EOS, along with a summary of the various services we provide, which fall into five general categories: (1) IP and business/commercial litigation, (2) trademarks and copyrights, (3) patents, (4) anti-counterfeiting and IP enforcement, and (5) transactional law. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  We appreciate your support very much.  Without our amazing clients, none of this would be possible. 

If there is any way we can help or be of service, please let us know. 



Darin M. Klemchuk

P.S. — Based on the marketing feedback, internal discussions, and comments from others, there is a good chance we will launch a podcast in the second half of the year.  When we do, we will feature client spotlights and would love to promote you and your company.   

Klemchuk PLLC is a leading IP law firm based in Dallas, Texas, focusing on litigation, anti-counterfeiting, trademarks, patents, and business law. Our experienced attorneys assist clients in safeguarding innovation and expanding market share through strategic investments in intellectual property.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For guidance on specific legal matters under federal, state, or local laws, please consult with our IP Lawyers.

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