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The Impact of a Positive Workplace Culture on Your Business

Attracting and maintaining top talent in any organization goes beyond prestige and dollar signs. Just ask a millennial and you’ve got a hot topic of conversation when it comes to today’s evolving workplace. So, what can help bridge the gap? Having a strong company culture! A united, high-functioning team is the heart of your business. It has been found that happy employees deliver better work product and client service. To foster an environment in which great things can happen, leaders should consider the impact culture has on their business.

What does a positive company culture look like?

A positive workplace culture is one in which high energy is palpable, and employees are heard, respected, and appreciated for great work. Moreover, it is one that naturally deters toxicity through a sense of camaraderie, trust, confidence and accountability. For example, do people look out for one another? Do they watch the clock? Are people smiling during the workday? When times get tough, or a deadline is looming, does your team rally together or play the blame game? “A new employee who enters an organization and watches a culture of cohesion among workers, where all employees help each other, will automatically imbibe these values… on the contrary, an organization where back-stabbing and squabbling is the norm, any new employee will adapt to these traits.” Learn more from this interesting article from Entrepreneur India. Employees are apt to model their behavior after those around them. Set a great example, and let positivity and productivity lead the way.

How to create positive culture?

Creating a great place for people to work while exceeding the expectations of your customers or clients may seem like a tall order, but it is essential to your company’s success. “There is no single rubric for a “correct” company culture… every business is different.” Forbes offers a great discussion here. So, what do you want to be known for? What will be your firm’s legacy? What made your clients choose you?


Do you have a set of core values by which you operate? Consider developing some and posting them around the office. This can serve as a helpful reminder of what you are all working toward.


Be approachable, listen, offer constructive feedback, and let your employees know they are valued.


Zappos famously offers a 1-year return policy with a full refund and paid return-shipping. Though it might sound far-fetched to some, “once Zappos’ employees understand what their company is willing to do” to deliver great service, “they begin to feel empowered… and find solutions for any customer in distress.” See this piece from Forbes.

The moral of the story? Culture is an integral part of your business! Want your employees to go above and beyond? Keep raising the bar; an inspired team won’t let your clients down.

The Culture Counts blog is a discussion of law firm culture and legal innovation, including topics such as effective leadership, employee engagement, workplace culture, ideal work environment, company core values, and workplace productivity.  

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About the Firm:

Klemchuk LLP is a litigation, intellectual property, transactional, and international business law firm dedicated to protecting innovation. The firm provides tailored legal solutions to industries including software, technology, retail, real estate, consumer goods, ecommerce, telecommunications, restaurant, energy, media, and professional services. The firm focuses on serving mid-market companies seeking long-term, value-added relationships with a law firm. Learn more about experiencing law practiced differently and our local counsel practice.

The firm publishes Intellectual Property Trends (latest developments in IP law), Conversations with Innovators (interviews with thought leaders), Leaders in Law (insights from law leaders), Culture Counts (thoughts on law firm culture and business), and Legal Insights (in-depth analysis of IP, litigation, and transactional law).